liens parents enfant sefca Europe





Social services are support services to individuals, but who are hermetically very closed to the public. Even the professionals often get lost in the complexity of the various services.


A little explanation on how they work will allow you to understand all the ramifications that exist and why and how to cooperate all together we fly our children. In the interest of that? the answer is simple, in the interest of general advice to bail out their banks by increasing subsidies to social action.



There are 2 types of social services, especially managed public social services by General Councils and the PJJ (judicial protection of youth) which depends on the Ministry of justice. It is found in form regional (DRPJJ) or departmental (DDPJJ); the social services from the private sector, that exist in the form of recognized public utility associations working in the field of childhood, to the courts.






We find social services of the general Council in the MSD (House of the solidarity of the Department) of district, formerly UTAS (gathering of social action unit). Your social worker's district is a social worker of the general Council


 The social assistance to childhood (ESA):


What was once known as the DDASS now called ESA


The child welfare service is a service of the Department, placed under the authority of the president of the general Council and whose primary mission is to help children and their families by actions of individual or collective, prevention and protection against abuse.


Aid social à l'Enfance is guardian and, as such, directly exercises guardianship by taking over the minors entrusted to him.


To perform its duties, it has administrative staff and social workers.


In order to protect the children, he works closely with the external services of the State, and can appeal to other public bodies or specialized private institutions (associations) as well as to natural persons.


Its missions:


Its tasks are precisely defined by article l. 221-1 of the social action and family code:

support material, educational and psychological miners, their families, emancipated minors and adults aged under 21-year-old face social difficulties that could seriously compromise their balance.



organize, in places where manifest risk of social maladjustment, collective action to prevent marginalization and to facilitate insertion or promoting social youth and families, including the actions of prevention among young people and families in difficulty or breaking with their environment;



carry out emergency actions of protection for children in difficulty;



meet all the needs of the minors entrusted to the service and ensure their orientation, together with their families or their legal representative;



conduct, including during all these interventions, prevention of the abuse of minors and organize the collection of information on mistreated minors and participate in the protection of these.



It must thus make interventions adapted to each situation. Support can take the form of financial assistance (monthly allowance), intervention at home of a technician (ne) social and family intervention [previously known as (e) worker (se) family] and/or service of educational action.


In its mission of protection of children at risk, ESA reports to the Procurator of the Republic or the juvenile judge emergency situations which it has knowledge and participates in the collection of information on child abuse. Conversely, the Public Prosecutor informed services ESA urgent measures he has taken.


 Mother and child (PMI) Protection:


PMI is a service of the Department which is headed by a doctor and includes qualified staff including medical, paramedical, social and psychological areas. Since the Act of March 5, 2007, PMI authority equal with ESA in the prevention of children at risk.


The PMI is responsible for the health protection of the family and the child.


It organises consultations and actions to prevent medical for pregnant women and children under 6 years.


The future mother support activities


Prenatal care: infant maternal protection service organises prenatal consultations and actions of medical prevention for pregnant women.


Postnatal monitoring: the PMI must organise medico-social preventive and follow-up actions.


Action in favour of the child


The PMI service has also tasked to organize:



consultations and actions of medical prevention for children under 6 years and the establishment of a checkup for children aged 3 to 4 years, including kindergarten,



medico-social actions preventive for children under 6 years require special attention, which are carried out, at the request or with the agreement of the parents, in conjunction with the attending physician and hospital departments.

The PMI participates in preventive actions and decision-making support minors in danger or at risk of being.

Warning modes

The PMI service is responsible, in general, of the Organization of the approval of maternal and family assistants and their training.

It has also to supervise the early childhood institutions.

 The departmental cell of children at risk (CDED):

The CDED is a device linked to the protection of children in France. Since the Act of March 5, 2007 all French departments should have their CDED. Today is there only 12. Therefore only 12 departments that comply with the Act of 5 March 2007 in order to avoid malfunctions.

The Act of 5 March 2007 reforming child protection instructs the president of the general Council of the collection, treatment and evaluation of disturbing information concerning children at risk or in potential danger. Means information concern any information, including medical, likely fear that a child is in danger or risk of danger, may need help, and that should be a transmission to the departmental cell for evaluation and continued to give.


The new article l 226 - 3 of the code of social action and families from the Act of 5 March 2007 defines the role of the president of the general Council: "the president of the general Council is responsible for the collection, processing and evaluation, at any time and whatever the origin, concern information relating to minors in danger or at risk of being."

Such liability gives it a pivotal role in the Organization and animation of the departmental cell created by the Act. This cell collection, processing and assessment of worrying information, should help to clarify and reliable procedures for the transmission of information to the cell to the decision.

It is an interface in the first place, with services (maternal and child welfare, social action and social assistance to childhood) Department, but also with courts and mainly the parquet is the privileged interlocutor. She also works with all the professionals, in particular those of the National Education, social services, hospitals, doctors and liberal professionals, associations, police and gendarmerie, local elected officials, services etc.

It must also be in conjunction with the national service hotline of the children at risk who is permanently at no. 119 including collecting personal calls. This service shall inform each Department calls received regarding minors in danger or likely to be passing now to the departmental cell information concern.


Judicial Protection of youth is a public service which has the mission to support and educate juvenile offenders or danger that entrust the judges of the children and the juvenile court. It is a branch of the Ministry of Justice (DPJJ), which has services decentralized in regions (DRPJJ) and (DDPJJ) departments.

Setting up a specific justice for minors, the idea dates back at the end of the 19th century, is carried out in release (February 2, 1945 order). Juvenile courts must focus on the measures "of protection, assistance, monitoring, and education", and only be used at the prison that "when the circumstances and the personality of the offender" appear to require it. To implement this program, administrative autonomy of the prison administration is created on September 1, 1945: the educational-correctional institution. It directly manages public institutions of reformatory (IPES), public observation centres of borstal (COPES), and control authorized educational institutions. These first facilities, yet very close to the old "correction houses", will evolve and diversify. In 1990, the educational-correctional institution will become the judicial Protection of youth. Meanwhile, the legislation has been completed by the order of 23 December 1958 and by the law of 4 June 1970. These texts expand the area of intervention of the reformatory giving him jurisdiction over judicial child protection (civil law).

Missions and objectives

Judicial Protection of youth missions are the protection and education of minors in danger or subject to a judicial measure; the PJJ aims to foster their integration and their academic, social and professional integration. The PJJ aims before all educational. This education takes various forms: intervention and follow-up in the context of the family environment, placement in an institution, accommodation in homes or in foster care - but also, since 2004, followed by imprisoned minors.

Actions and devices

The youth in care

Three categories of young people are supported by the PJJ: minors at risk, juvenile delinquents and young adults social integration.

Minors at risk

Articles 375 et seq. of the civil code organize the judicial intervention for children at risk. "If the health, safety or morals of a non-emancipated minor are in danger or if the conditions of his education are seriously compromised, educational assistance measures can be ordered by justice [...]" (art. 375). Several measures can be taken by the judge to have a knowledge of the minor and his family environment: social survey measures investigative and educational guidance, expertise.

The juvenile judge may entrust these different measures to the services of the public sector by PJJ, to the services of social assistance departments childhood or the non-profit sector empowered.

Two types of support are possible:

-the AEMO (educational assistance in an open environment);

-the withdrawal of the child from its natural environment

Juvenile offenders

The 1945 order gives priority to educational measures. Educational sanctions may be applied to minors aged at least 10 years, and penalties - which can go up to imprisonment - for more than 13 years. Minors accused of crime are considered by the Court for children (less than 16 years old at the time) or by the Court of Assizes of minors (minors (16 years old).

The young adults from 18 to 21 years


They can benefit to their request for a measure of judicial protection. They cater for this to a judge of the children when they are experiencing difficulties of social integration.

Services of the authorized non-profit sector (APJJ)


More than 500 associations authorized by the Department of Justice support, in their institutions and their services — more than a thousand — about two-thirds of minors benefiting from a judicial measure, mainly in respect of educational assistance. Because of this, they provide the home of almost all of minors of less than 13 years justice.



Private social services exist in the form of associations of public benefit. In the field of the protection of the child they are named by the judges of the children to follow the IOE or AEMO measurements. The best-known associations in France in this area are the children secures and the APJJ (association of judicial protection of youth). They are not part of the general Council but are subsidized by it, so more CG budget is important, most associations are subsidized. They have to fill quotas and accountable to the general Council for their grants.

Save the children:

Better known as various as names AVSEA, ADSEA, ALSEA, SEAPB etc., the safeguarding of childhood and adolescence is an association law 1901 recognized of public utility. Its social workers are employees of association.

It is designed to:

•to participate in the protection of childhood and adolescence,

•to assist children, adolescents, eventually to major and adult youth whose individual behaviour, personal skills or family environment, require a custom active help.

It proposes, inter alia, the following services: AEMO (educational assistance in an open environment), specialized prevention, guardianship to child welfare, social support to housing...


The PJJ-related, they are working under the authority of the Ministry of justice but remains an association law 1901 recognized of public utility. Therefore, it is not a Director but a president.


She is in charge of AEMO or HWI and works at the request of the judges of the children.


The communal centre for social action (CCAS):

The CCAS has replaced the former offices of social assistance. It is a separate body from the Town Hall.


It is administered by a Board of Directors, chaired by the Mayor, which includes qualified in the social sector (representatives of associations). The CCAS sometimes consist in intermunicipal Centres.

The CCAS will animate a general action prevention and social development in the municipality.

It provides various missions directly oriented towards the population: assistance and support to the elderly or disabled, children and families in difficulty, fight against exclusion,...

He participated in training applications for social assistance and forwards it to the authorities with the power of decision (general Council, administration, social security,...).

It may finally be delegated overall social skills on the municipal territory by agreement with the general Council.


The family allowances (CAF) Fund

The CAF is not in itself a social service but it is the organization that pays family allowances, it is made up of some workers social economy social and family advisors as.


The Caf passes contracts children and youth with local authorities. It also works closely with the general Council for the payment of the RSA.



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