Chapo: group "against the criminalization of families" was created in 2002 in the AITEC: International Association of technicians, Experts and researchers working in particular on public services (Justice, Education, health, Social). The objective of the group working specifically on family policy is to offer based on a common analysis of alternative responses in terms of social policy, of integration, education, health and justice.
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Refusing to bend before the fear of our fellow, we affirm that, by solidarity that we are implementing each day, we are better than a police state, the protection of those around us. It is breaking the circle of loneliness, despair and violence, it is by the hope of a world issued the fear and the vigilance of our struggles that we will ensure the right to a roof, to health, dignified work, only actual and guarantees of freedoms protections.
Militants of the movement associative or trade union, social workers, magistrates, teachers, nurses, doctors, researchers, citizens engaged, we affirm today our commitment to defeat the Liberal and conservative offensive. The war against the poor and the intelligence of all was not won. Those who think our good to our place and barter against unlikely security, our solidarity freedoms are mistaken. Refusing to be governed by fear, a movement converged proclaims, against all the défaitismes, the supremacy of the expectancy principle.
By privatizing the social, delivering private space and sometimes the school, the police power, accusing parents waiting, or pathology, brocardant the moral of rendered citizens accountable for their social conditions, the European social policies and national not assured neither security, or tranquility. Marginalizing the poor, and finally, the whole society, embodying the defeat to the challenge of freedoms and the requirement of justice, establishing the pacification, deaf, or violent, social conflict, the peace of the grave this policy is facing today to a movement of convergence citizen for a free living, for a live together.
Substituting for social solidarity family solidarity while accusing the poor parental deficiency, moral order ""traditionalist"wants to redefine the place assigned to parents and educators in the new social control." But how the solidarity between the generations would not dependent on the social situation of each, how would it not for the poor materially poor solidarity? This suspicion of educational deficiency to an increasing number of parents, without nuance or other social distinction resulted the creation of new offences: young people gathered in halls of buildings without independent housing, become offenders; the right of the child is violated with the lowering of the age of judgement in the criminalthe status of unaccompanied foreign minors is revised, the function of the judge of children, guarantee the balance between accountability and protection is threatened; Finally procedures against parents are created as mandatory parenting courses when a child has committed an offence. Radically changing design preventive social and educational action which bases the relationship of trust between users and professionals, attempts to coerce - name of an efficiency - questionable social workers to report to the Mayor families and young followed are a threat to more freedoms.
The attack on public services (research, Education), the commodification of culture and art, the removal of social rights and freedoms, the precarisation of students and the privatization of universities, finally, the challenge to the rights of the child are a breach of our common history of conquest of freedoms and rights. This is why we say that the attack on the poor is also a war against intelligence and freedoms of all. No power neither allegedly fatal situation not of rights of pre-emption on the social conquests and the liberties, heritage of humanity and of this fact are inalienable
It is by relying on common bedrock of our struggles and vital momentum makes us glimpse of how the freedom of the other us is dear, how it is ours, how much it increases our freedom that we'll emerge a society which is not one of fear, but that of expectancy. Freedoms and social justice are still to conquer: they will grow from our solidarity practices finally released.
First signatories:
Organizations: Cedetim, Union of the judiciary, France domain, UNEF Medical Association, association 'practices social"CTS (collective of workers social for the insertion of the minors and young major foreign) and Union South health - social (Moselle) 57, defence for Children International French section.
Personalities: Bernard Dréano, President of CEDETIM, Gustave Massiah, President of the CSIR, Didier Minot, President of story, Miguel Benasayag (philosopher), Laurent OTT (teacher, philosopher, association breaks), Patrick Pelloux (hospital Saint Antoine), Serge Quadrupanni (writer), Michel Chauvière, researcher (CERSA, Université, Paris) and moderator of the General States of Social, Philippe Meirieu (researcher), Jean Salamero, biologist (researcher, CNRS, Member of "save research"), Ghazi Hidouci, President of the AITEC, Evelyne Sire-Marin, former President of the Union of the judiciary, moderator of the Copernicus Foundation, Christelle Ansault (Human Rights League), Charles Segalen (Association Olga Spitzer), Alex (intermittent du spectacle) Barret (network for Civic Education), Bernard Defrance, Professor of philosophy (General Secretary of DEI-France).