Buffalo Criminal Law Review 1998 SymposiumToward a New Federal Criminal Code
Criminal Law Review
Toward a New Federal Criminal
Paul H.
Robinson [FNa1]
Copyright © 1998 Buffalo Criminal Law Review; Paul
H. Robinson
I. Source and Form
A. The 'Missing Fletcher Bits'
B. The Complexity Complaint
C. The Legality Complaint
II. Substance
A. Rejecting the Wisdom of the Common
Law and European Law
B. 'Imminent Threat' vs. 'Immediately
Necessary' Response
C. Lesser Evil as a Paradigm for
III. Criticisms of the
Model Penal Code on Which We Agree
A. The Subjective Formulation of
B. Defining 'Elements of an
IV. Conclusion
I have spent most of my career criticizing
the Model Penal Code, so it is with a certain
awkwardness that I find myself defending it. The Code has many faults, but not
those for which Professor Fletcher condemns it.
Professor Fletcher's objections fall into two
categories: objections to the source and form of the Code, and objections to its
*26 I. Source and Form
A. The "Missing
Fletcher Bits"
Professor Fletcher's most fundamental
objection--stated in his Dogma I, but repeated in many other parts of his
paper--is that the Code defines concepts that it has no competence to define.
[FN1] "The American Law Institute preempt the role of scholars and theorists by seeking to
define concepts better left to philosophical deliberation." [FN2] His examples of such better-left- uncodified doctrines
include: (1) the definition of act and the voluntary act requirement (the
involuntary act defense), [FN3] (2) causation requirements, [FN4] and (3) culpability definitions. [FN5] Later in his paper he makes the same point as to (4)
aspects of defensive force defenses, such as the definition of unlawful force,
[FN6] and (5) aspects of mistake defenses. [FN7]
Note that this claim is an attack not just on
the Model Penal Code but on the idea of a comprehensive criminal code. Professor
Fletcher proposes a system in which codes apparently only sketch some of the
concepts and rules needed to assess liability. The "missing Fletcher bits," as
they might be called, are to be filled in by a decision-maker by reference to
the scholarly literature and perhaps, we learn later, by reference to case law
and common law doctrine.
My reaction to this "should not define" claim
is primarily puzzlement.
First, I wonder, why is it that these
provisions, but not others, should be left uncodified?
Professor *27 Fletcher says to exclude the definition of causation.
Should we also exclude the definition of complicity as well? There are some
important conceptual similarities. If we exclude the definition of complicity,
should we also exclude the definition of attempt and conspiracy? He says to
exclude the definition of culpability requirements. Ought a drafter also be free to omit some objective elements? If we
are to exclude the requirement of a voluntary act, as he suggests, why not also
exclude the requirements for omission
liability? Further, the voluntary act requirement is, of course, the involuntary
act defense. Does that mean we also should exclude the conceptually analogous
definitions of the insanity defense, the duress defense, and the involuntary
intoxication defense? If we are to exclude all of these doctrines, one may
conclude that Professor Fletcher simply does not approve of criminal law
codification generally. If we are not to exclude all of these
doctrines, why not? How are we to tell what is
to be included and what excluded in Professor Fletcher's ideal code? He gives us
no guiding principle or explanation.
The dramatic effects of Professor Fletcher's
approach are illustrated by one of his most vigorously argued proposals, his
Dogma VI, in which he insists upon a separate law of mistake defenses, to be
developed and controlled by judges. [FN8] But to have courts define mistake defenses is to have
courts define culpability requirements, for the two are one in the same. For
example, to decide that only a reasonable mistake as to an offense element will
provide a defense is to decide that negligence as to that element must be
proven. To allow an unreasonable mistake in the sense of a negligent mistake to
provide a defense is to provide that recklessness is required as to the element;
and so on. Is Professor Fletcher proposing that judges define all the instances
in which a defendant *28 may be acquitted for lack of culpability? If so,
it would be hard to say we still have a criminal code and legislative definition
of offenses. If he intends judges to have
authority to define some culpability requirements but not others, what is the
allocation of authority between the judges and the legislature? And what is the
justification for the division of authority? I can't imagine how or why one
might want such a division of authority. Perhaps Professor Fletcher has a
theory. If he has, he has not disclosed it.
As to how to determine eligibility to be a
"missing Fletcher bit," Professor Fletcher does express a clear preference for
omitting from a code those matters on which there is a philosophical dispute. He
begins his Dogma I by criticizing the Code for "ventur[ing] precise definitions on
matters where many philosophers fear to tread." [FN9] He then mocks the Code: "Nothing is more controversial
than the concept of voluntary action as a precondition of criminal
responsibility. But Model Penal Code section 2.01(2) claims it has the answer."
The Code is not in the business of resolving
philosophical disputes, of course, as Professor Fletcher seems to fear, but
rather in the business of resolving real cases. It needs to tell decision-makers
what kinds of cases merit an excuse and which do not, hence the involuntary act
conditions listed in Model Penal Code section 2.01(2) [FN11] to which Professor Fletcher objects. Similarly, it must
define an "act" in order to identify when the special requirements of omission
apply. I have much criticized parts of these formulations, but it has never occurred to me
that the code drafters were wrong to try to formulate rules of some kind. How
else are judges and others to know what rules they are to use? Are the drafters
to leave decision-makers with no rule, because to do so might be taken by
philosophers *29 as preferring one side of a debate over
More troubling about Professor Fletcher's
proposal is the fact that, from my little knowledge of the philosophical
literature, I would say one can find conflicting arguments on nearly any point
regarding substantive criminal law theory. No doubt Professor Fletcher has clear
views on which disputes should be taken seriously and which should not. But not
every criminal code drafter can have Professor Fletcher at his or her elbow.
Further, other scholars might have a different view from Professor Fletcher's as
to which disputes are serious. How is one to determine which philosophical
disputes ought to prevent a codification of the disputed issue? We are not
But assume Professor Fletcher gives us some
operating principles on these matters. I fear I just don't see how the world
works under Professor Fletcher's system of intentionally-incomplete-codes. I'm
imagining a decision-maker in the criminal justice process--a prosecutor
deciding what charge to bring, a judge deciding whether to admit evidence or how
to instruct a jury. How is the person to determine the rules to apply if not by
studying the code? What is the person to do with regard to issues of involuntary
acts, causation, culpability requirements,
defensive force, or mistake?
For the law to say nothing is to leave the
rule to the absolute discretion of the decision-maker. That can't be what
Professor Fletcher has in mind. [FN12]
Perhaps Professor Fletcher has in mind a kind
of "Philosophers Full Employment Act." Each prosecutor and judge would consult
the criminal code but then *30 fill in the "missing Fletcher bits" by
consulting his or her resident philosopher. That sounds expensive. It might be
cheaper just to send them all to university for PhDs in philosophy or, if that
to is too expensive, perhaps just a Masters. They will remain amateur
philosophers, of course--they will be unfortunately diverted from their
continuing philosophical study and reflection by their law job--but we could
retain a kind of supreme council of professional philosophers for harder
questions. I'm assuming here that Professor Fletcher would not approve of the
idea of persons unschooled in philosophy being relied upon to properly interpret
and apply the philosophical literature, for that would be no better than letting
the unschooled criminal code drafters interpret and apply the philosophical
It's hard to see what advantage is offered by
Professor Fletcher's system of an intentionally incomplete criminal code. Yet,
its vices are all too clear: it undercuts all of the reasons for which we adhere
to the principle of legality: (1) by having some aspects of the governing rules
imbedded somewhere in the philosophical
literature, the law puts out of reach fair notice to the lay person governed by
that law. By requiring a decision-maker to exercise discretion in formulating
the governing rule, based upon his or her reading of the literature, the law
invites all of the vices inherent in discretion: (2) It
increases the potential for abuse. (3) Even among officials acting in good
faith, it increases the chances of disparate treatment of similar defendants as
different officials read the literature differently. (4) It reduces the
predictability of law, and thereby undercuts the stability that the rule of law
seeks to bring. (5) It also shifts criminal law-making authority away from the
legislature, the most democratic branch, to unelected and unaccountable
scholars. Scholars and philosophers have much to teach criminal code drafters,
but our commitment to legality prevents them from being of *31 fered as a substitute for a criminal code, as Professor
Fletcher wishes.
These administrative and legality problems
with Professor Fletcher's system are made all the worse by his special
preference for deferring to the literature on issues of ongoing philosophical
dispute. Where the literature expresses different views, the decision-maker
necessarily is forced to decide which of the conflicting views to follow. This
will pretty much guarantee different conclusions by different decision-makers.
The result in any given case, then, will depend on what judge the defendant
gets, not on the defendant's blameworthiness. That can't be the result that
Professor Fletcher wants.
But inconsistency in application is only part
of the problem for Professor Fletcher's system. The peculiar effect of his
scheme is to require the philosophically least competent and least trained, the working prosecutors and judges, to make the
ultimate decision between conflicting philosophical/scholarly positions. How is
that better than having criminal code drafters, such as the law professors of
the American Law Institute, make those decisions? Even if code
drafters were as philosophically weak as the local magistrate, their decisions
at least have the virtue of being consistently applied in similar cases.
Professor Fletcher might argue that over time
appellate judges reading the scholarly literature would decide the issues and
that this would increase uniformity and predictability. But, again, one may ask
why Professor Fletcher has so much greater faith in appellate judges than
criminal code drafters? If appellate judges are so much better makers of
criminal law, why did the Americal Law Institute face
what everyone seems to agree was an unmitigated mess when it undertook to review
American criminal law? But even *32 if one assumes that appellate judges
could read the literature as well as code drafters, the case law that they
generate can never provide the legality advantages that a written code provides.
That is, it is less able to provide people with fair notice, less able to
provide uniformity and predictability (and
certainly is less a product of democratic decision-making).
I have focused so far on Professor Fletcher's
apparent preference for law-making by scholars and judges and opposition to
law-making by code drafters. But there is some indication that Professor
Fletcher objects to more than who is making the law. Even if there were a
scholarly consensus on the best rule to follow and its articulation, Professor
Fletcher still might prefer to keep that rule in the literature and out of the
code. He cites with approval the German Code's failure to define the meaning of
"unlawful force" in defensive force defenses, noting that "any german textbook" [FN14] will provide a definition.
Again, I'm puzzled. What could be the benefit
of keeping some aspect of the rules governing liability out of the criminal
code? To do so can only reduce the possibility of fair notice to citizens and
increase the possibility of discretion by officials as they decide what meaning
to give the undefined term or how to formulate the uncodified rule. One could minimize these problems by having
the code authoritatively say something like: the phrase "unlawful force" has the
meaning given at page xx of textbook yy. But if the
code is to go that far, then why not simply include the definition within the
code? I don't get it. [FN15]
*33 One more
point before we depart from Professor Fletcher's preference for leaving some
concepts and rules undefined in the code. The unarticulated assumption of his analysis is that each of the
concepts or rules he wants undefined in the code has some natural, intrinsic
meaning of its own, a meaning that philosophers are working to discover and
explicate. That assumption may be correct if one is a retributivist, as Professor Fletcher appears to be.%r [FN16]%r But it is not necessarily correct if one is not. Under a
utilitarian approach, the proper definition of a concept or formulation of a
rule may depend on the particular conditions within the criminal justice system
and society at the time.
But assume, for the sake of argument, that
Professor Fletcher is right to press a retributivist
view. I fear that his proposed intentionally-incomplete- code will not further
the retributivist goal he assumes it will. The fact
is, many (if not most) judges and criminal law scholars in current America do
not share Professor Fletcher's retributivist views. If
they are given the power to fill in the "missing Fletcher bits," they will look
for guidance not to the philosophical literature, but to other places, probably
the economic literature. *34 I think Professor Fletcher will not be happy
with the results that this will bring.
B. The Complexity
Moving on to Professor Fletcher's other
points regarding form and source, in his Dogma II, Professor Fletcher objects to
some Model Penal Code provisions as too
complex, such as the culpability definitions. My initial reaction is to simply
disagree that these provisions are too complex. [FN17] My first year, first term law students master them
quickly. Why not judges and instructed jurors? Could they be improved upon and
simplified further? Probably.
But Professor Fletcher's other complaints
against the Code suggest that I should make a different response here. His
earlier claim that we ought to defer to the scholarly literature and the case
law surely throws the decision- maker into greater complexity than anything
Professor Fletcher can cite in the Model Penal Code, including the culpability
definitions. If complexity for decision-makers is a legitimate concern, how can
he argue that they should consult the philosophical literature to divine the
liability rules?
Indeed, every distinction contained in the
Model Penal Code no doubt appears in one case or another and one scholarly
article or another. Under Professor Fletcher's intentionally-incomplete code,
the decision-maker must sort through these articles and cases, decide which
distinctions ought to be used and which ignored, then synthesize the useful
distinctions into a rule to be applied in the case. Every
judge a criminal code drafter. How can Professor Fletcher's system of
reading the literature be less complex than judges reading a Model Penal Code
provision and its official commentary? Compared to the tortuous arguments one
easily finds throughout the scholarly literature, *35 the Model Penal
Code provisions look downright pedestrian.
agree that complexity is to be avoided as much as possible. And I have suggested
in print ways of reducing it and of limiting its detrimental effects (e.g., by
requiring greater simplicity in rules of conduct, which the average citizens
must be able to apply quickly, than is required in principles of adjudication,
which are applied by trained persons under more thoughtful conditions).
[FN18] But in the end, the proper distribution of liability
sometimes depends upon a concept that is complex. Offense culpability
requirements are a good example. The law must be as complicated as are our
notions of justice.
C. The Legality
Professor Fletcher offers one final objection
as to form: what he says is the Code's failure to take legality seriously. In
his Dogma IV, he cites the fact that the Code allows not only statutory duties
but also common law duties as the basis for omission liability. [FN19] He says, "The Model Penal Code makes a strong commitment
to the principle nulla poena
sine lege in 1.05(1) . . . . Would that it were so." [FN20]
I was astonished to read this. Had he not
just finished explaining at length his preference for an incomplete code, for
judicial law-making, for requiring judges to consult the scholarly literature to
divine the governing rule? How can the Code's cross-reference here to the case
law in its ommission provision be offensive to him? Given what he has said
previously, I would have thought he would conclude the Code drafters here had
finally gotten it right.
Not so. Rather than being concerned that his
legality *36 complaint might make him appear hypocritical, he attacks. He
is indignant: "Even if we [[[Americans] continue to violate the [rule-of-law]
principles we purport to endorse, we should at least be forthright about what we
are doing." [FN21] Perhaps the best defense is a good
I happen to believe that the Code should
limit criminal liability for omissions to a failure the
perform a statutory duty. But I think Professor Fletcher may have
forfeited his right to join in this complaint.
These, then, are Professor Fletcher's
objections to source and form. He also has objections to the substance of many
specific Model Penal Code provisions.
In his objection to the code defining
concepts that it is incompetent to define [FN22]--his Dogma I--Professor Fletcher implicitly criticizes the
Code's formulations in the examples he gives: the voluntary act requirement, the
causation requirements, and the culpability definitions. Presumably he prefers
different definitions, given somewhere in the scholarly literature. But if he
has some better formulations to suggest, he does not offer
I have quibbles with the Code's approach on
each of these issues. But I also see much to
defend in each provision. And each is surely better than the law adrift, with no
articulated rule, which was typical before the Model Penal Code, and seems to be
that to which Professor Fletcher wants to return.
A. Rejecting the
Wisdom of the Common Law and European Law
A recurring theme of Professor Fletcher's
objections *37 is that the Code ignores the wisdom of European law, as
well as the wisdom of our own common law history, an objection explicitly stated
in his Dogma III. [FN23] He cites as examples the Code's culpability definitions,
its shift from provocation to extreme emotional disturbance, and its dropping of
the larceny-embezzlement distinction. [FN24]
He is accurate in his description of these
doctrines as changes from common law, but he fails to explain why these changes
are bad. Can he be claiming that every change from the common law is
objectionable? If not, what is there about these particular changes, one might
wonder, that he finds objectionable? I think I'm prepared to defend the
provisions he cites as advances over common law, but perhaps he has arguments to
the contrary.
As to Professor Fletcher's general complaint
that the Code lacks adequate deference to common law, I find him being somewhat
inconsistent. In his Dogma VII, he castigates the Model Penal Code for adhering
too closely to the common law rule that mistake or ignorance of law is no
excuse. [FN25] The Code provides a
general mistake of law defense that the common law did not, but this does not go
far enough, Professor Fletcher complains. The drafters should have gone all the
way, to recognize an unlimited reasonable mistake of law excuse. [FN26]
But one may wonder how the drafters' lack of
deference to the common law in other instances shows an
insensitivity to its wisdom, yet they are to be condemned here for not
straying farther from it. I believe the Model Penal Code is wrong not to break
entirely from the common law on this point. (It ought to recognize a general
excuse of reasonable mistake of law, but put the burden of proof on the
defendant). But, *38 again, by his earlier complaints, Professor Fletcher
may have forfeited his right to join in this criticism of the Code.
In the end one must conclude that Professor
Fletcher's selective insistence on deferring to European law or common law is
simply an expression of his own personal objections to one Code provision or
another: the Model Penal Code drafters should have deferred when Professor
Fletcher approves of the common law or European provision, but not when he doesn't. If Professor Fletcher has specific
objections to the Code, a better approach would be to offer them on their
merits. I see little reason to think that the pedigree of a rule ought to matter
in our analysis of it.
B. "Imminent Threat" vs. "Immediately
Necessary" Response
The force of the pedigree point becomes
apparent when Professor Fletcher actually states his objections to some Code
provisions that he claims ignore available wisdom. In Dogma V, he criticizes the
Code's shift from the common law's "imminent threat" requirement to trigger a
right of defensive force, to an "immediately necessary" response requirement.
[FN27] Professor Fletcher does not like the change. But, in my
view, it is a welcome improvement over the flawed common law rule. If an actor
must wait until an expected threat is actually imminent, it may be too late to
successfully defend. If the crew on a sinking ship must wait until the ship is
about to sink before they take charge from an unbalanced captain, it may be too
late to act. If they are two days from land and the ship will sink in two days,
their present use of force is then "immediately necessary" and ought to be
allowed, even if the threat of sinking is not "imminent." That the "imminent
threat" requirement is a common law *39 doctrine
only suggests to me that common law rules can be flawed and can be
C. Lesser Evil as a
Paradigm for Justification
To give another example, in
Dogma V Professor Fletcher objects to the use of the lesser evils defense as the
paradigm for justification defenses. [FN28] It is not a proper paradigm for self-defense, Professor
Fletcher complains, because in self-defense
the conflicting harms are equal--a life for a life--and the notion of balancing
to avoid the lesser evil has no application. But his objection only suggests
that he may be misinterpreting the Code's lesser evils provision. He apparently
takes it to require a balance only of threatened physical harms. But clearly
that cannot be right. Much of criminal law prohibits conduct that involves
intangible harm and evil, and harms to societal rather than private interests. I
take this to be the point of the lesser evil provision's reference to the "harm
or evil" [FN29] of the offense, to make explicit its broad focus on more
than just physical "harm." Consider the variety of offenses that prohibit other
than a "harm": fraud, obstruction of justice, adult
incest, bribery. When section 3.02 directs a balance between "the harm or evil .
. . of the offense charged" and "the harm or evil sought to be avoided,"
[FN30] it seems clearly to refer to more than the tangible bodily
harms that Professor Fletcher envisions.
When one looks at the lesser evils in this
light--as providing a balance of all competing interests, tangible or
intangible, societal or personal--it is easy to see it as a paradigm for
justification defenses, including self-defense. Yes, a life is at stake on each
side of the balance in self-defense, but also at stake is society's abhorrence
of unjustified aggression. Indeed, it is this *40 intangible interest
that is determinative; it tips the scale in favor of the offender and against
the unjustified aggressor. In my view, the
Code drafters' treatment of lesser evils as a paradigm for justifications is an
important conceptual advance--and I note that it was an advance for which the
then-existing American scholarly legal literature provided little or no
Criticisms of the Model Penal Code on Which We Agree
I do not want to leave the impression that I
disagree with all the Code criticisms that Professor Fletcher offers. I have
already said I agree the Code should recognize a general reasonable mistake of
law defense (although I would put the burden of persuasion for this on the
defendant). I have also agreed that the Code should limit omission liability to
violation of a statutory duty.
A. The Subjective
Formulation of Justifications
Further, I very much agree with Professor
Fletcher that the Code is misguided in its subjective formulation of
justification, in which it treats conduct as "justified" if the actor mistakenly
"believes" it to be justified. It is because of this error that the Code is
forced into its pitiful definition of the "unlawful force" that triggers a right
of defensive force. By defining "justified" conduct as conduct that the actor
"believes" is justified, the Code has contaminated its term "justified"; it has
packed both objectively justified conduct and mistaken justification into the
single term. But it then must unpack these
two kinds of cases when it seeks to define the force that lawfully may be
resisted: an actor may resist mistaken justification but may not resist actual,
objective justification. Interestingly, the Code's error here may well have been
the result of ill-advised reliance upon the philosophy *41 literature,
for that literature offers support for using the term "justified" in a
subjective sense. [FN31] How can Professor Fletcher have such faith in deferring to
the scholarly literature for enlightenment when it produces results with which
he so much disapproves?
B. Defining
"Elements of an Offense"
I also agree with Professor Fletcher that the
Code is wrong in section 1.13(9) to define "elements of an offense" to include
the absence of most general defenses. [FN32] I think the drafters' silliness here was simply a
too-clever-by-half attempt to push states to allocate the burden of persuasion
to the state to disprove most defenses. Note that this definition appears in the
section immediately following that in which the drafters provide that the state
has the burden of persuasion on all "elements of an offense." [FN33] Whatever one may think is the proper allocation of the
burden of persuasion on defenses, it is clearly asking for trouble to define
"element of an offense" to include defenses, in a definition that, by its terms,
applies not just to the preceding section on burden of proof but to the entire
When I see this drafting error, I see just that: an obvious drafting
error. I see little evidence that it ever occurred to the drafters that the
section 1.13 definition would be taken to apply to
section 2.04(1), which gives a defense for a mistake that negates "an element of
an offense." [FN34] By assuming that the definition is meant to apply through
section 2.04(1) to defenses, Professor Fletcher beats a straw man. Who would
think it makes sense to give a defense because a defendant's mistake negates the
requirements of a defense? *42 On the contrary,
one must satisfy the requirements of a defense, including its culpability
requirements, to get the defense. One can only laugh that this one got by the
drafters, probably because a different group drafted the Article 1 provisions
than drafted the general defenses in Articles 2 and 3. In fact, the general
defense drafters provided specific provisions governing the treatment of mistake
as to a defense, as in section 3.09. [FN35]
Yet, Professor Fletcher takes the Article 1
drafters at their written word, applies the mistake defense in section 2.04 to
defenses, and shows the absurd results. He is right. The Code drafters erred.
Let's shoot them. But it is hard to see that the error says something larger
about the Code or code drafting. What it says to me is that the first people who
try to produce a comprehensive code, with little to build on, will do an
imperfect job.
If the error illustrates a larger point, it
is this: one of the great benefits of a
comprehensive code is that it effectively reveals the shortcomings of its
formulations. The rambling paragraphs of case opinions and scholarly literature,
in contrast, provide a permanent haven for the murky rule. Leaving the law's
rules to the shadows of case law and scholarly literature, where there is never
a clear target, means less likelihood of seeing and correcting law's flaws. It
is only when one proposes a specific code formulation, which all can see and
understand, that flaws become easy to see, criticize, and reform. This
process--of formulation, criticism, and reform--is the path to a better criminal
law, while maintaining the virtues of legality throughout.
Professor Fletcher and I do agree on who is
toblame *43 for the current weakness in
American criminal law. Given the abysmal state of American criminal law and
theory that faced the Model Penal Code drafters, their Code was dramatically
better than anyone had a right to expect. They brought us a quantum leap
forward. Our current messy state is in large part our own fault, that of current
American criminal law scholars. We have failed to build upon and refine the
sound foundation the Model Penal Code provided us. We have failed to
systematically study, criticize, and propose reforms to the Code.
The American Law Institute must share in the
fault. Criminal law scholars have offered
some criticisms of the Code--enough to make it clear that it needs reform--yet, the American Law Institute has refused to undertake a
revision. An individual state's law makers cannot substitute in this role; they
have neither the resources nor the talent that the American Law Institute has.
In promulgating a Model Penal Code, the American Law Institute sought and
obtained the trust and reliance of many states who adopted their model code.
Knowing the model to be seriously flawed, the Institute has an obligation to
address those flaws.
[FNa1]. Professor of Law, Northwestern
[FN1]. George P. Fletcher, Dogmas of the Model Penal Code,
Buff. Crim. L. Rev. 3
[FN10]. Id.
[FN11]. Model Penal Code § 2.01(2) (Proposed Official Draft
[FN12]. I actually do believe that lay persons have good
intuitions as to the proper assessment of blame and liability, but I would not
want to live in a world where liability judgements in
individual cases were subject to the unguided judgments of lay persons. Law can
learn much from people's intuitions of justice, but its obligation is to
articulate those intuitions in a written form that will apply equally to all. It
must be law, not personal intuition, that governs the
individual case. I take it that is what we mean by our allegiance to the "rule
of law."
[FN13]. No doubt
Professor Fletcher has clear views on how the disputes in the literature should
be resolved. But, again, not every prosecutor and judge can have Professor
Fletcher at his or her elbow.
[FN14]. Fletcher, supra note 1, at
[FN15]. As to Professor Fletcher's proposal that judges define
offense culpability requirements, for example, I ask the same questions: What is
the evidence that judges would do a better job of defining culpability
requirements than criminal code drafters like those of the American Law
Institute? Witness the pre-Model Penal Code mess. And, what are the advantages
of excluding a statement of offense culpability requirements from the code?
One can certainly make arguments for how code
culpability definitions might be improved, but it can only undercut the virtues
of legality to permanently condemn culpability requirements to existence only in
the case law. To learn the culpability requirements of an offense, one would
have to wait until such requirements were developed case by case by judges. Even
after the common law process was complete (would it ever be?), one could learn
the culpability requirements of an offense only by studying the cases that
addressed the subject. What are the benefits that would justify this dramatic
reduction in the notice, uniformity, and
I would argue that we ought to move in the
exact opposite direction. We ought to reform the Model Penal Code's scheme for
defining offense culpability requirements to avoid the occasional ambiguities
that have been revealed in the 36 years since its promulgation.
[FN16]. I happen to support Professor Fletcher's preference for a
desert distribution of liability, but many others will not share this view. But
I would rely on consequentialist as well as his retributivist reasons. See generally Paul
H. Robinson & John M. Darley, The Utility of Desert, 91 Nw. U.L.
Rev. 453 (1997).
[FN17]. Fletcher, supra note 1, at
[FN18]. See, e.g., Paul H. Robinson, Structure and Function in
Criminal Law, Part IV (1997)
[FN19]. Fletcher, supra note 1, at
[FN20]. Id. at
[FN21]. Id. at
[FN22]. Id. at
[FN23]. Id. at
[FN24]. Id. at 10-11.
[FN25]. Id. at 21-22.
[FN26]. Id. at
[FN27]. Id. at
[FN28]. Id. at
[FN29]. Model Penal Code § 3.02.
[FN30]. Id. §
[FN31]. See the philosophical sources cited by Kent Greenawalt in his article, The Perplexing Borders of Justification
and Excuse, 84
Colum. L. Rev. 1897 (1984).
[FN32]. Model Penal Code § 1.13(9).
[FN33]. Id. §
[FN34]. Id. §
[FN35]. Id. §